The Logical Step

My journey of Software Development

Testing... Testing...

This past week has been mostly spent in Ruby land. Ever since I learned what the difference was between frontend and backend, I have enjoyed working on the backend much much more. I am not very artistic, and so concerning myself with manipulating data has been far more interesting and enjoyable for me than scrutinizing over how many pixels left or right some input box should be.


Recently, I’ve been spending most of my coding time on HackerRank. As I mentioned before, I was lead onto this site by a coding challenge I had to complete for a potential employer.

Home Sweet Home

After a crazy three weeks, my new bride and I have finally made it back home. We had a blast in the Bahamas and it was great to get away and decompress a little. After two weeks in another country, I definitely understand the old saying of needing a vacation from your vacation. The trip was wonderful, yet stressful at the same time. We had a lot of planning that had to be done during our trip and itineraries to follow, so while it was a good relaxing getaway, it had its own set of stresses. We arrived back home late Friday night after about 15 hours of travel and spent the better part of yesterday getting my wife moved into what is now our house. Therefore, as is likely no surprise yet again, I haven’t had much time at all this past week to consider or do much of anything tech related.

Bahama Beach Blog

Sunday Fun Day

Hey readers!