The Logical Step

My journey of Software Development

All Aboard the Java Train

I’m back this week to talk a bit more about my learnings in Java since last Sunday. I’ve continued moving forward with the Codecademy course and I’m still really enjoying the structure of the curriculum and how it presents the basics to you. Last week I presented a super basic method that did nothing other than return whatever was passed to the method as an argument. I did this to compare it to Ruby, which I’m more familiar with, and to go over a few of Java’s keywords.

Java, not JavaScript

This week gave me a bit of an unexpected, but wonderful surprise. Udemy was having another of their semi regular sales earlier in the week and I noticed there was a Java course available. Java is one of the most popular programming languages, arguably the most popular for many years until recently dethroned by C, and boasts 25+ years of being around and kicking. It’s platform agnostic and an object oriented language, which means paradigm wise I should find myself in familar territory. Additionally, according to this ScienceSoft article, Java is utilized by 90% of Fortune 500 companies, which was incentive enough for me to take a look. I went ahead and picked it up. I was curious so I decided to go ahead and start on it to see what it would be like. Well, it’s been 5 days since I got it and I’ve done almost nothing else.

App Planning and Design (Part 2)

Hello everyone! I’m back to dive a little deeper into the app I’m currently working on. Unfortuantely, I wasn’t able to work on it as much as I wanted too. I recently took a part-time job to help make ends meet which had me out of town the majority of the week.

App Planning and Design (Part 1)

I started a new project this week and thought it would be particularly useful to document the process of planning it out. I have a few points I’ll cover one at a time.

Diving into Algorithms

It’s been sometime since my previous posting. I am getting married next month and have been quite busy accordingly. However, it’s time to get back in the saddle. Algorithms have been the hot topic among my fellow graduates. Both data structures and algorithms are something that are apparently very common among interviewers. Unfortunately, neither of these topics were touched on in our program’s curriculum. Considering many of us have recently began our job searches, and are thus preparing for interviewing, it appears to be in all our interests to tackle this topic.