Why Software Development? Why Now?

Posted by Trevis McGill on August 8, 2020

Hey! What up fam?!? (- joke, I’m not hip)

My name is Trevis McGill. I’ve had a long time love of computers. My first computer was an HP machine running Windows 98 that my dad waited all night to get on Black Friday. I didn’t ask for it, I just woke up the next day and it was waiting for me. From that day forward, I was hooked. Games, paint, encyclopedias (I know nerd, but this was before internet was everywhere), I loved it all and spent the majority of my free time right there in front of that screen. Computers have always been my passion.

So fast forward to graduating high school and the “What am I going to do with my life?” question. I go to my local community college to get my generals and decide I want to teach history (second nerd alert?). On to university, get my degree in History, and…

I become a Real Estate Appraiser.

Totally the same thing right? I bet I’m not the only one who has experienced something similar. Anyway, I did that for a couple years and eventually changed careers to take over as the Technical Director for a multi-site church. I loved that job and definitely felt a lot of satisfaction from it. However, it was very demanding, stressful, and ultimately didn’t pay well. Just to be clear, I still love that church and the people there, it was just the nature of the job.

All these years (I’m almost 30 now) my passion for computers never waned. I’ve always been interested in the programming side of computers. I dabbled in coding in Unity using C# trying to make some games for a hobby, but it never really felt like a viable career. However technology and the world is ever changing. Things are becoming more digitized and the world is constantly becoming more and more connected. So I began to think about what the my future might hold.

After my previous trials in different careers, I knew what I wanted. I wanted a job with flexibility. Something that didn’t require me to miss so many moments with family and friends. Something that would be unobstructed by geographical limitations. Something that allowed me to work at my best. A job that would give me the tools to succeed.

So ultimately, I’m here to better myself. To take something I’m passionate about and utilize it to support myself. It’s already been an amazing, yet trying experience. I’m thrilled for this journey I’m on and I can’t wait to see where it takes me.

Good luck fellow cohortians!